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¡Gradúate! PROGRAM

​​The ultimate goal of the ¡Gradúate! Program is to develop Hispanic students into tomorrow’s ​professional ​leaders. The future of Hispanics in North Carolina depends on the level of education our youth achieve. For this reason, the North Carolina Society of Hispanic Professionals (NCSHP), in partnership with Wake Co. Public School System​, are proud to present ¡Gradúate! an educational program for Hispanic students and their families. ¡Gradúate!  is a program designed to help Hispanic students attain academic success, graduate from high school, and become the leaders of tomorrow.​

Designed for Hispanic high school students in grades 9-12, the ¡Gradúate! Program ​is the only bi-cultural, bi-lingual,​ dropout prevention program​.  It currently reaches more than 90​ students​ per academic year in Cary HS, Millbrook HS, and Southeast Raleigh HS.  

​​Our program uses an integrated approach to student success by providing guidance and support throughout the school day via onsite coaches, after school activities like tutoring and life skills, one-on-one coaching meetings and lessons and workshops for parent​s.

¡Gradúate! is looking for volunteers to help with tutoring and teaching life skills lessons. A great opportunity for anyone with an interest in education, advocacy, nonprofit work, the Spanish language of Teach for America after college. Prefer if volunteers have Spanish skills, reliable transportation and willing to commit to a regular schedule of at least one day per week.​

NCSHP August 2020- June 2021

Tutor/ Volunteer Registration Form

One on One Coaching

Our team works with students to support, guide, and motivate ​students during school hours​ and pursue academic and personal goals.  ​

After School Services

We also provide weekly tutoring and life skills lessons​ to support students in conquering academic success and ​​developing the necessary skills to manage everyday life and transition into college/job readiness.

Family Engagement

​Through family workshops​ offered by the Wake County Parent Academy​, parents learn how to navigate the school system, communicate with administration and teachers, and understand the testing and other requirements for college. These workshops reinforce the importance of education being a family goal. The several elements of the program combine to give families the support and guidance they need to help their students graduate from high school and pursue higher education.

Become a Volunteer! 

NCSHP VOLUNTEERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Help us to make our events possible.

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Contact Us

© 1999-2023 North Carolina Society of Hispanic Professionals 

Tel: 919-467-8424 


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